Cycling is fun
Michelle and I and another couple went camping this past weekend. We left Friday afternoon and Michelle dropped me and the other guy off in Stratford to complete the remainder of the trip by bike. It amounted to 80km in bad heat with T-storms warning.
Approximately 10km in I began to feel the heat a little...not that I was hot but things didn't quite feel right. That is the danger of cycling in heat is that the wind cools you off but you lose a lot of water without noticing. At this point I began taking my gatorade consumption very serious since I knew it would be a long trip if I didn't hydrate properly. From that point on no real problems from heat.
My buddy was looking a little rough at 20km and I took the pace down a notch. At 40km he blew a flat and we changed it in 10 mintues. At around 70km I felt great and took it up a notch for the last home stretch...was moving at a good clip of 35-39km/h for the last 5 kms. Could have easily did 10km after...any more than that would have been tough.
It total..the ride took just under 3 hours and we averaged 27km/h. I drank 4 bottles of gatorade and 2 power gels.
By the time we arrive Michelle had set up the tent at the site and I had a few beers. The trip itself kinda sucked due to the exteme heat and the bacteria warning at the beach made me hesitant to spend too much time in the water. Came home sunday mid-afternoon craving some air conditioning.
Hair mousse...I like to look good while riding.
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